Samacheer Kalvi 11th English Grammar Homographs

Students who are studying Class 11th can get the free Tamilnadu State Board for Class 11th English Grammar Homographs PDF here. You can download Samacheer Kalvi Class 11th Grammar Homographs Questions and Answers PDF on this page. Practice questions of Samacheer Kalvi 11th English Book Solutions subject as many times as possible to get good marks.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 11th English Grammar Homographs

Gather chapter wise Tamilnadu State Board Class 11th English Study Material to score the highest marks in the final exam. Various chapters and subtopics are given clearly in Samacheer Kalvi Class 11th English Material. All the Tamilnadu State Board Class 11th English Grammar Homographs with detailed Questions and Answers are provided by subject experts. The step by step Samacheer Kalvi Class 11th English guide will help you to enhance your skills in both English subject and grammar. Here, along with the subject knowledge, grammar knowledge also plays an important role.

Homographs are words (usually a pair) that are spelled alike but differ in meaning. They may or may not be pronounced the same way.

Homo­graphsMeaning 1Meaning 2
affectto changea person’s emotions
alternateto switch back and forththe second choice
attributea characteristicto give regard to
bassa type of a fish/the low tones of music or a stringed instrument which plays low tones bowa device to shoot an arrow/to bend one’s head down or the front of a ship
buffeta blow or be affected by blows
Samacheer Kalvi 11th English Grammar Homographs
a large sideboard or a self-served meal of various dishes
closeto be nearto shut
combinea farming machine which threshesto put together
conductone’s behaviorto lead (oops there is another one) such as a symphony
contentto be satisfiedthat which is contained within
contestto compete in a match of skillsmake an argument against something
convertto change one’s belief systemone whose belief system has been changed
converseto talkthe opposite
convicta prisonerto find one guilty of a charge
deliberateto carefully considerto purposely do
desertto abandonan arid or barren area
digestto convert food to simpler compoundsto condense a written work
dothe first tone of the diatonic scaleto accomplish
dovea birdto have jumped off
drawerone who draws
Samacheer Kalvi 11th English Grammar Homographs
a boxlike compartment that pushes in and pulls out
entrancean entrywayto put into a trance
excuseto pardon or forgivean explanation offered to justify or obtain forgiveness
gyroshort for gyroscopea type of sandwich with roasted lamb
housea dwellingto provide living quarters
intimatepersonalto hint
laminateto make in layersa composite made of layers
leadto guide Samacheer Kalvi 11th English Grammar Homographsa soft dense metal
liveverb meaning to have lifeadjective meaning to have life or being on
minutesmallsixty seconds
moderateof medium or average qualityto preside or direct
numbera mathematical integer like 1, 2, 3,…to deprive of further feeling
objectsomething perceptibleto dissent
pastymedium consistencya meat pie
perfectto make correctthat which is correct
permitto allow something to be donea document giving permission
presenta gift or that which is happening nowto give a talk or demonstration
producevegetablesto bring forth
projectto thrust outwarda plan or housing development
puttingto hit a golf ball on a greento place in a specific location
rebelto resist Samacheer Kalvi 11th English Grammar Homographsone who resists
recordto write downa list or phonograph disk
recreationa leisurely pastimeto remake
resideto live in a placeto change a side
resignto quitto sign again
rowa series of objects in a straight linea fight
sakepurposea Japanese rice drink
secreteto generateto conceal
separateto divide into groupsdisunited or a garment
sewerone who sewsa conduit for transporting sewage
slougha swampto shed Samacheer Kalvi 11th English Grammar Homographs
sowto scatter seedsan adult female hog
subjectthe theme or topicto force one’s will onto another
tearliquid drops secreted by the eyeto pull apart
windto encirclemoving air
woundto have been wrapped in a circular manneran injury

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