Are you seeking for the Tamilnadu State Board Solutions Chapter wise Class 10th English Report Writing PDF? Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Report Writing Questions and Answers. If yes, then read this entire page. You can Download His First Flight Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Book Solutions Guide Pdf Report Writing helps you to revise the complete Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations. Here, we are giving a direct link to download Samacheer Kalvi Solutions for Class 10th English Report Writing PDF which contains the chapter wise questions, and grammar topics. You can also get the shortcuts to solve the grammar related questions on this page.
Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Report Writing
For the sake of students we have gathered the complete Class 10th English Report Writing syllabus and provided on the pdf. Refer the chapter wise Tamilnadu State board Solutions for Class 10th English Report Writing Questions and Answers. Topics and start the preparation. You can estimate the importance of each chapter, find important English Report Writing grammar concepts which are having more weightage. Concentrate on the important grammar topics from Samacheer Kalvi Solutions for Class 10th English Report Writing PDF, prepare well for the exam.
Report writing is an attempt to gather information about an event, incident or accident from the persons concerned, the parties involved, the victims and authorities. The third-person point of view ensures objectivity in the report.
The heading is essential. The report may be in one or two paragraphs.
(i) Be objective.
(ii) Organise the details properly.
(iii) Present the material systematically
How should a report be written?
A report should:
- be in the form of a narrative
- be in the past tense
- include all relevant details
- focus on one particular event only
- mention the date and time of occurrence
- mention the venue
- mention the facts
- mention the cause, result, etc.
Report For A School Magazine
(a) Heading
(b) Writer’s name and class.
Heading/Title Of The Happening [by Dhanwanth/Aditi]………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
Language : Should be semi-formal. Try to be simple but attractive and appealing. Avoid displaying your linguistic ability.
Content :
- factual information about school activity/event
- date, time, venue of the activity/event
- sequence of event/programme
- information about participants/chief guests/judges
- kind of organisation, people responsible for programme/ arrangements
- results, if describing a contest
Report For A Newspaper
Usual subjects : Political news, sports news, crimes, accidents, natural disasters, etc.
Format :
(a) Headline
(b) ‘Byline’, i.e., by a correspondent/reporter or an agency as its source and
(c) Date – line – date and place of occurrence
Headline Chennai, 9 March ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
Language and Style :
- quite formal
- passive voice is preferred
- journalistic jargon (vocabulary/expressions), e.g., according to ministry/party spokesman or according to government sources
- use of words like ‘alleged’ or ‘suspected’ before ‘murderer’, ‘smuggler’, ‘thief’, etc.
Content : It is most important. The main information is given in the first two or three sentences. Other essential information like date, place, occasion, etc., follow. Presentation should be symmetrical.
Solved Questions
(a) The Principal of your school retired after rendering 35 years of meritorious service. A grand function was held to give him a hearty send-off. Write a report in 100 – 150 words for publication in your school magazine describing the celebrations. You are Sudha/ Sandeep of X A.
(By Sudha, X A)
Our esteemed Principal Ms. R.R. Leela retired on 30th September this year after rendering 35 years of meritorious service. On the day of her retirement, a grand function was held to give her a hearty send-off. Students and teachers organised a cultural show. Songs and poems dealing with her qualities were recited. Our Vice Principal delivered a thought-provoking speech. He praised the outgoing principal for her contribution to education and sports. Students garlanded the principal and escorted her to the car. Some of them became emotional.
They began to weep. We bade her farewell with tears in our eyes.
(b) ’tour school has recently opened a computer wing. The facility of computer training and access to Internet connections has been made available to students. As Rakesh/ Rashmi of X B, write a report on the new computer wing in 100 – 150 words for your school magazine.
[by Rashmi, XB]
The new computer wing of our school on 25th April constructed at a cost of two crore rupees was inaugurated by the Director of Education, yesterday. This wing with five halls on the first floor has twenty computers with access to internet connections. The ground floor has facility of computer training for the beginners. It has nine rooms with five computers in each room. Our school authorities have now fulfilled a long-felt need of the students. Computer training facilities will arouse and sustain the interest of the students in IT industry and new technology.
(c) You are Sneha/Gopal of Vivekananda School. Recently you had the honour of having participated as the contingent leader of your school team in the Republic Day parade in Delhi, in which your school was adjudged the best participating team.
Write a report in about 100 – 150 words about the memorable event for publication in your school magazine.
Republic Day Honours
[by Gopal, X B]
This year’s Republic Day will ever be cherished as a red-letter day by Vivekananda school.
On this historic occasion, our school team had the good fortune to participate in the Republic Day parade at Vijay Chowk in New Delhi. More than fifty teams representing different parts of India displayed their varied, colorful and romantic items of songs, dances and aerobics. Their feats made people glued to their feet. The enthusiasm and cheerfulness of the participants was beyond description. The celebrations were also a test of the performance of the participating teams. When the name of our school was announced as the best participating team, I felt overjoyed. For a moment, disbelief overpowered me. Then I as contingent leader went forward to receive the shield. I dedicated this award to our Principal and the Physical Instructor who had provided us such excellent training.
(d) The Golden Jubilee celebration of your school has just ended. It was a year-long programme featuring an inter-school debating contest, a play festival, a fun fair, an exhibition, special programme for ex-students and parents and concluding with a grand cultural programme. As Maya/Manoj of X A, write a report in 100 – 150 words for publication in your school magazine.
Golden Jubilee Celebrations
[by Manoj, X 5]
Our school completed fifty years of its existence on ‘Krishna Jayanthi’ – the 24th August, this year. To commemorate the event, a year-long programme of celebrations were planned.
Meetings of staff, and students’ council were held. An organising committee comprising the principal, five members of staff, office-bearers of the student council was constituted. A calendar of curricular activities was chalked out. It was decided to hold an exhibition of art and craft and science exhibition at school level. Fancy dress and dance competitions were held for the primary section. A Golden Jubilee issue of the school magazine was also brought out. Inter-school debate contest and a play festival were held in September and October. During November, special programmes were staged by ex-students. On the concluding function, a dance – drama ‘Eklavya’ was presented. It was acclaimed by the audience.
(c) You are Shekhar/Sarittia of Govt. Model Sr. Sec. School. The annual sports of your school were held on 12th February, 20XX. Write a report for your school magazine giving all details of the function.
The Annual Sports Day
[by Saritha, X C]
12th February, 20XX, was a big occasion for our school. The Annual Sports of our school were held on that day at our school playground. A colourful shamiana was erected for guests and teachers. The stands were also tastefully decorated. The athletes gathered in front of the stage at 8.30 a.m. There was a march – past. The Principal took the oath and declared the sports – meet open. At 9.30 the track events began with 200 metre race for boys and 100 metre race for girls. Field events like long jump, high jump, javelin throw and discus throw were held in between the races. The programme was beautifully planned. In the afternoon the cycle race, sack race and three-legged – race provided amusement. The musical chair race for
guests provided a lot of fun. Kamal Nath of XIIA was declared the best athlete.
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