Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Verbal & Non-Verbal Interpretation

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Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Verbal & Non-Verbal Interpretation

For the sake of students we have gathered the complete Class 10th English Verbal & Non-Verbal Interpretation syllabus and provided on the pdf. Refer the chapter wise Tamilnadu State board Solutions for Class 10th English Verbal & Non-Verbal Interpretation Questions and Answers. Topics and start the preparation. You can estimate the importance of each chapter, find important English Verbal & Non-Verbal Interpretation grammar concepts which are having more weightage. Concentrate on the important grammar topics from Samacheer Kalvi Solutions for Class 10th English Verbal & Non-Verbal Interpretation PDF, prepare well for the exam.

A. Tabular Representation Of Data
(i) Study the following table and answer the questions that follow.
June 2019


Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Verbal & Non-Verbal Interpretation 1
(i) This table shows
(a) the year 2020 (b) May month’s calender (c) the list of holidays (d) June month’s calendar

(ii) There are Saturdays in June 2019.
(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 6

(iii) Say whether the following statement is true or false.
June 2019 starts on a Monday.
(a) True (b) False

(iv) There are Sundays in June 2019.
(a) 6 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 4

(v) Today’s date is
(a) 20, Thursday (b) 21, Friday (c) 4 tuesday (d) 30 Sunday
(i) (d) June month’s calender
(ii) (c) 5
(iii) (b) False
(iv) (c) 5
(v) (c) 4, Tuesday

(ii) Study the given data of number of different vehicles passing through Koyembedu Signal at different times:

1.7.30 to 9.30457265100
2.12.30 to 14.3040401075
3.16.30 to 17.30707065105
4.18.30 to 19.306511065120
5.20.00 to 22.3045757585

(i) The lean hour of traffic is
(ii) 12.30 – 14.30 (b) 16.30 – 19.30 (c) 7.30 – 9.30 (d) 20.00 – 22.30

(ii) Most number of lorries ply between
(a) 7.30 – 9.30 (b) 18.30 – 19.30 (c) 112.30 – 14.30 (d) 20.00 – 22.30

(iii) Maximum number of buses cross between
(a) 20.00 – 22.30 (b) 18.30 – 19.30 (c) 16.30 – 17.30 (d) 12.30 – 14.30

(iv) Say true or falsee
Least number of lorries crossed between 12.30 to 14.30
(a) True (h) False
(v) Only 110 cars crossed between
(a) 7.30 – 9.30 (b) 12.30 – 14.30 (c) 18.30 to 19.30 (d) 20.00 – 22.30
(i) (a) 12.30 – 14.30
(ii) (d) 20.00 – 22.30
(iii) (b) 18.30 – 19.30
(iv) (a) True
(v) (c) 18.30 to 19.30

(iii) The table given below gives the statistics of different cars sold in India in the year 2018. Observe the table carefully and interpret the details to answer the questions given below.

CompanyModelNumber of Cars SoldMileage
MarutiSwift22,19528.4 km/1
MarutiDzire22,17522-27 km/1
MarutiBaleno22,00021-25 km/1
HyundaiElite i2021,90019 km/1
HyundaiCreta21,87515-21 km/1
MahindraBolero21,75016 km/1
ToyotaInnova20,50010 km/1
RenaultKids19,22523-25 km/1

Answer the following:
(i) Which Model was sold the most?
(ii) Which car gives the least mileage?
(iii) Which company car has average sales among the eight?
(iv) How many boleros are sold?
(v) Why is Maruti Swift preferred by customers?
(i) Maruti Swift
(ii) Toyota Innova
(iii) Hyundai Elite i20 has the average sales among the eight.
(iv) 21,750 are sold.
(v) Maruti Swift is preferred by the customers mostly because of its good mileage.

(i) Monthly sales at a medical shop
Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Verbal & Non-Verbal Interpretation 2

(i) There is an equal demand for vitamins and
(a) Antibiotics (b) Cosmetics (c) Sedatives (d) Antipyretics

(ii) State whether the following statement is true or false.
“The sale of analgesics is twice that of cosmetics”.

(iii) The medical shop records the highest sale of
(a) Vitamins (b) Analgesics (c) Antibiotics (d) Antipyretics

(iv) The difference between the sale of cosmetics and sedatives is that of Antibiotics.
(a) less than (b) greater than (c) equal to (d) eight times

(v) is the least sold drug.
(a) Antipyretics (b) Cosmetics (c) Sedatives (d) Analgesics
(i) (b) Cosmetics
(ii) True
(iii) (C) Antibiotics
(iv) (a) less than
(v) (c) Sedatives

(ii) Expenditure of a country on various sports
Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Verbal & Non-Verbal Interpretation 3

(i) The maximum expenditure is on
(a) Hockey (b) Cricket (c) Football (d) Badminton

(ii) The expenditure on football is on tennis.
(a) double that (b) same as that (c) less than that (d) half of that

(iii) The expenditure on Hockey is same as
(a) Cricket (b) Others (c) Badminton (d) Football

(iv) What is the total percent of expenditure on Tennis, Badminton and Basketball?
(a) 25% (b) 20% (c) 10% (d) 15%

(v) The difference between the expenditure on cricket and that on hockey is
(a) 5% (b) 10% (c) 15% (d) 20%
(i) (b) Cricket
(ii) (a) double that
(iii) (c) Badminton
(iv) (a) 15%
(v) (c) 15%

(iii) Six persons working in some IT firms rent a house for Rs. 32,000 per month. The monthly contribution towards rent by each person is depicted in the pie – chart.
Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Verbal & Non-Verbal Interpretation 4

(i) The person who contributes the second-highest amount is
(a) Sekar (b) James (c) Kamal (d) Riaz

(ii) The person who contributes 1500 more than Rahul is
(a) Sekar (b) James (c) Kamal (d) Mahesh

(iii) The second least contribution is made by
(a) James (b) Sekar (c) Rahul (d) Mahesh

(iv) ‘s contribution is double that of Rahul ‘s.
(a) Mahesh (b) James (c) Sekar (d) Kamal

(v) Which two persons totally contribute ?14,500?
(a) Sekar and Riaz (b) James and Riaz (c) Kamal and Riaz (d) James and Mahesh
(i) (c) Kamal
(ii) (b) James
(iii) (a) James
(iv) (d) Kamal
(v) (c) Kamal and Riaz

(iv) Temperature of various places in Tamil Nadu.
Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Verbal & Non-Verbal Interpretation 5

(i) is the coolest place of all.
(a) Ooty (b) Trichy (c) Kodaikanal (d) Mettupalayam

(ii) Ooty is almost as cool as .
(a) Mettupalayam (b) Kodaikanal (c) Trichy (d) Kanyakumari

(iii) has the second highest temperature.
(a) Trichy (b) Chennai (c) Madurai (d) Kanyakumari

(iv) Trichy is less hotter than
(a) Ooty (b) Kodaikanal (c) Madurai (d) Mettupalayam

(v) Kanyakumari is slightly hotter than
(a) Mettupalayam (b) Trichy (c) Chennai (d) Madurai
(i) (c) Kodaikanal
(il) (b) Kodaikanal
(iii) (a) Trichy
(iv) (c) Madurai
(v) (a) Mettupalayam

(v) Books in the School Library
Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Verbal & Non-Verbal Interpretation 6

(i) This library gives most importance to
(a) Novels and short stories (b) Reference books (c) History and Geography (d) Biographies

(ii) The least percentage of books stored in this library is those on
(a) Science (b) History and Geography (c) Arts (d) Novels and Short stories

(iii) There are as many books on Science as there are on
(a) Biographies, History And Geography (b) Arts (c) Novels and Short stories (d) Reference

(iv) There is a difference between books on Science, and those on Novels and Short stories.
(a)20% (b) 15% (c) 10% (d) 5%

(v) The percentage of books on Biographies is that of book on History and Geography.
(a) more than (b) less than (c) same as (d) half of
Ans. (j) (b) Reference books
(ii) (c) Arts
(iii) (a) Biographies, History And Geography
(iv) (d) 5%
(v) (c) same as

(i) Study the graph given below and answer the questions that follow:
Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Verbal & Non-Verbal Interpretation 7
(i) Only . pupils have scored 70%.
(a) 10 (b) 12 (c) 14 (d) 8

(ii) Most of the pupils have scored marks.
(a) 55% (b) 65% (e) 75% (d) 85%

(iii) pupils have obtained below 70%.
(a) 11 (b) 20 (e) 30 (d) 40

(iv) The marks secured by the least number of pupils is
(a) 40% (b) 50% (e) 60% (d) 70%

(v) pupils have fared extremely well.
(a) 10 (b) 6 (c) 8 (d) 4
(i) (b) 12
(ii) (e) 75%
(iii)(a) 11
(vi) (a) 40%
(v) (d) 4

(ii) Study the bar diagram given below and answer the questions given below:
Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Verbal & Non-Verbal Interpretation 8

(i) The bar diagram represents
(a) a family’s expense
(b) a family’s expenses on different items
(c) a family’s income
(d) a family’s expenses on education

(ii) State whether the following statement is true or false.
The family spends the highest amount on education.

(iii) The family spends the amount on education.
(a) least (b) highest (c) optimum (d) remaining

(iv) The number of items excluding miscellaneous expenses on which the family spends is
(a) 7 (b) 5 (c) 2 (d) 6

(v) The transport expenses and expenses on are equal.
(a) food (b) clothing (c) house rent (d) education
(i) (b) a family’s expenses on different items
(ii) False
(iii) (c) optimum
(iv) (d) 6
(v) (b) clothing

(i) Guide Ravi to the LIC office. Here you find the road – map. Write three instructions by way of helping him.
Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Verbal & Non-Verbal Interpretation 9

a. Mr. Ravi, Go straight up to Gandhi road.
b. Turn on to your right and walk on the pavement till you reach Anand Bhavan.
c. You will find LIC office opposite to it.

(ii) Guide an old man to the near by Old Age Home. Here you find the road map. Write three instructions by way of helping him.
Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Verbal & Non-Verbal Interpretation 10

a. Go straight and turn to left.
b. Move up north till you reach the left diversion.
c. Opposite to Bata show room, you will find “Udhavum Karangal Old Age Home”.

(iii) A man approaches you to direct him to a nearby medical store. Here you find the roadmap. Writer three instructions by way of helping him.
Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Verbal & Non-Verbal Interpretation 11

a. Go straight and take the immediate left.
b. Walk up north till you reach the main road.
c. Turn left and proceed further to find the medical stores on to your left.

(iv) Guide Mr. Kumar to Aggarwal Eye Hospital. Here you find the road – map. Write three instructions by way of helping him.
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a. Go straight and take the left on KK road.
b. Keep left and proceed further.
c. Just opposite Anna bus stand you will find Aggarwal eye hospital.

(v) You are a leader at school and you have to send your schoolmates to the Public Hall for the Annual Day Rehearsals. Guide them with your direction in about 50 words.
Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Verbal & Non-Verbal Interpretation 13

Take left and proceed towards Richia Road.
Walk in the Richia Road taking right turn.

When you touch Major Lai Road, take the right turn and go past Dep. stores and Amit Hotel. You will find the Public Hall on to the right comer of 1st cross street at the end of Major Lai Road.

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