Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures

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Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Arrays and Structures Text Book Back Questions and Answers

PART – 1
I. Choose The Correct Answer

Question 1.
Which of the following is the collection of variables of the same type that an referenced by a common name?
(a) int
(b) float
(c) Array
(d) class
(c) Array

Question 2.
Array subscripts always starts with which number?
(a) -1
(b) 0
(c) 2
(d) 3
(b) 0

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures

Question 3.
int age[ ]={6, 90, 20, 18, 2}; How many elements are there in this array?
(a) 2
(b) 5
(c) 6
(d) 4
(b) 5

Question 4.
cin >> n[3]; To which element does this statement accepts the value?
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5
(c) 4

Question 5.
By default, a string ends with which character?
(a) \o
(b) \t
(c) \n
(d) \b
(a) \o

PART – 2
II. Answers to all the questions

Question 1.
What is Traversal in an Array?
Accessing each element of an array at least once to perform any operation is known as “Traversal”, Displaying all the elements in an array is an example of “traversal”.

Question 2.
What is Strings?
A string is defined as a sequence of characters where each character may be a letter, number, or symbol. Each element occupies one byte of memory. Every string is terminated by a null (‘\0’, ASCII code 0) character which must be appended at the end of the string.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures

Question 3.
What is the syntax to declare two – dimensional array.
The syntax of declaration of a 2-D array is: data-type array_name[row-size][col-size];

PART – 3
III. Answers to all the questions

Question 1.
Define an Array. What are the types?
“An array is a collection of variables of the same type that are referenced by a common name”. An array is also a derived datatype in C++.
There are different types of arrays used in C++. They are:

  1. One – dimensional arrays
  2. Two – dimensional arrays
  3. Multidimensional arrays

Question 2.
Write a note on the Array of strings.
An array of strings is a two-dimensional character array. The size of the first index (rows) denotes the number of strings and the size of the second index (columns) denotes the maximum length of each string.

For example:
the 2-D array has the declaration: char Name[6][10];
In the above declaration, the 2-D array has two indices which refer to the row size and column size, that is 6 refers to the number of rows, and 10 refers to the number of columns.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures

Question 3.
Write a C++ program to accept and print your name.
using namespace std;
int main()
cout<< “Enter your name:”; cin >>name;
cout<< “My name is”<< name;
Enter your name: PRIYA
My name is PRIYA

PART – 4
IV. Answers to all the questions 

Question 1.
Write a C++ program to find the difference between two matrices.
Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures 1

Enter 3*3 Array 1 Elements :
10 11 12
13 14 15
16 17 18

Enter 3*3 Array 2 Elements :

Subtracting array (array1 – array2)
Result of Array 1 – Array2 is :
9 9 9
9 9 9
9 9 9

Question 2.
How will you pass a two-dimensional array to a function explain with example?
Passing 2-D array to a function
Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures 2

Displaying Values
3 4
9 5
7 1

PART – 1
I. Choose the correct answer

Question 1.
The data elements in the structure are also known as ………………..
(a) objects
(b) members
(c) data
(d) records
(a) objects

Question 2.
Structure definition is terminated by
(a) :
(b) }
(c) ;
(d) ::
(c) ;

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures

Question 3.
What will happen when the structure is declared?
(a) it will not allocate any memory
(b) it will allocate the memory
(c) it will be declared and initialized
(d) it will be only declared
(b) it will allocate the memory

Question 4.
What is the output of this program?
using namespace std;
int main()

struct student
int n;
char name[10];
student s;
s.n = 123;
strcpy(, “Balu”);
cout <<s.n;
cout<< << endl;

return 0; }
(a) 123Balu
(b) BaluBalu
(c) Balul23
(d) 123 Balu
(d) 123 Balu

Question 5.
A structure declaration is given below,
struct Time
int hours;
int minutes;
int seconds;
} t;
Using the above declaration which of the following refers to seconds.
(a) Time.seconds
(b) Time::seconds
(c) seconds
(d) t. seconds
(d) t. seconds

Question 6.
What will be the output of this program?
using namespace std;
struct Shoe Type
string name;
double price;
int main()
ShoeType shoel, shoe2;
shoe = “Adidas”;
shoel.price = 9.99;
cout << << “#” << shoel.price<<endl;
shoe2 – shoel;
shoe2.price = shoe2.price / 9;
cout << << “#”<< shoe2.price;
return 0;
(a) Adidas # 9.99; Adidas # 1.11
(b) Adidas # 9.99; Adidas # 9.11
(c) Adidas # 9.99; Adidas # 11.11
(d) Adidas # 9.11; Adidas # 11.11
(a) Adidas # 9.99; Adidas # 1.11

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures

Question 7.
Which of the following is a properly defined structure?
(a) struct {int num;}
(b) struct sum {int num;}
(c) struct sum int sum;
(d) struct sum {int num;};
(d) struct sum {int num;};

Question 8.
A structure declaration is given below,
struct employee
int empno;
char ename[10];
} e[5];
Using above declaration which of the following statement is correct?
(a) cout << e[0].empno << e[0].ename;
(b) cout << e[0].empno << ename;
(c) cout << e[0]->empno << e[0] → ename;
(d) cout << e.empno << e.ename;
(a) cout << e[0].empno << e[0].ename;

Question 9.
Which of the following cannot be a structure member?
(a) Another structure
(b) Function
(c) Array
(d) variable of double datatype
(b) Function

Question 10.
When accessing a structure member, the identifier to the left of the dot operator is the name of …………………
(a) structure variable
(b) structure tag
(c) structure member
(d) structure-function
(c) structure member

PART – 2
II. Answer to all the questions

Question 1.
Define structure. What is its use?
The structure is user-defined which has the combination of data items with different data types. This allows a group of variables of mixed data types together into a single unit. The structure provides a facility to store different data types as a part of the same logical element in one memory chunk adjacent to each other.

Question 2.
To store 100 integer number which of the following is good to use?
Array or Structure. State the reason.
The array is good to use.

  1. All 100 numbers are integer type.
  2. Array index helps to access the numbers quickly.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures

Question 3.
What is the error in the following structure definition?
struct employee {inteno ;chamame [20] ;char dept;}
Employee e1,e2;

  1. ‘i’ is missing.
  2. Spaces are missing at two places
  3. Structure name given wrongly.

Corrected structure:
struct employee {int eno; char ename [20];

char dept;}
employee e, e2;

Question 4.
Write a structure definition for the structure student containing examno, name and an array for storing five subject marks.
struct student
long examno;
char name [50];
int marks [5];

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures

Question 5.
Why for pacing a structure to a function call by reference is advisable to us?
In this method of passing the structures to functions, the address of a structure variable /object is passed to the function using address of(&) operator. So any change made to the contents of structure variable inside the function are reflected back to the calling function.

PART – 3
III. Answer to all the questions

Question 1.
How will you pass a structure to a function?
A structure variable can be passed to a function in a similar way of passing any argument that is of built – in data type.
If the structure itself is an argument, then it is called “call by value”. If the reference of the structure is passed as an argument then it is called, “call by reference”.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures

Question 2.
The following code sums up the total of all students name starting with ‘S’ and display it. Fill in the blanks with required statements.
struct student {int exam no, lang, eng, phy, che, mat, csc, total; char name[15];};
int main()
student s[20];
for(int i = 0;i<20;i++)
………………….. //accept student details
for(int i=0;i<20;i++)
………………….. //check for name starts with letter “S”
………………….. // display the detail of the checked name
return 0;
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Question 3.
How to access members of a structure? Give example.
Once objects of a structure type are declared, their members can be accessed directly. The syntax for that is using a dot(.) between the object name and the member name.
if the members are a pointer type, then is used to access the members.
Let name be a character pointer in student like char*name
It can be accessed student → name,

long rollno;
int age;
float weight;

The student can be referred as reference name to the above structure and the elements can be accessed like student.roll no, student.age, and student.weight.

Question 4.
Write the syntax and an example for structure.
Structure is declared using the keyword ‘struct’. The syntax of creating a structure is given below.
struct structure_name {

type member_name 1;
type member_name2;

} reference_name;
An optional field reference_name can be used to declare objects of the structure type directly.
struct Student

long rollno;
int age;
float weight;


Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures

Question 5.
What is called anonymous structure? Give an example.
A structure without a name/tag is called anonymous structure.
long rollno;
int age;
float weight;
The student can be referred as reference name to the above structure and the elements can be accessed like student.rollno, student.age and student.weight.

PART – 4
IV. Answer to all the questions

Question 1.
Explain array of structures with example.
A class may contain many students. So, the definition of structure for one student can also be extended to all the students. If the class has 20 students, then 20 individual structures are required. For this purpose, an array of structures can be used. An array of structures is declared in the same way as declaring an array with built – in data types like int or char.
Program that reads the details of 20 students and prints the same.
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Enter the details of 20 students
Enter the details for student 1

Enter the age:
Enter the height:
Enter the weight:
Enter the details for student2
Enter the age:

Question 2.
Explain call by value with respect to structure.
When a structure is passed as argument to a function using call by value method, any change made to the contents of the structure variable inside the function to which it is passed do not affect the structure variable used as an argument.
using namespace std;
struct Employee
char name[50];
int age;
float salary;
void printData(Employee); // Function declaration
int main()

Employee p;
cout << “Enter Full name:”; cin >>;
cout << “Enter age:”; cin >> p.age;
cout << “Enter salary:”; cin >> p.salary;
// Function call with structure variable as an argument
return 0;

void printData(Employee q)

cout << “\nDisplaying Information.” << endl;
cout << “Name:” << << endl;
cout <<”Age:” << q.age << endl;
cout << “Salary:” << q.salary;


Enter Full name: Kumar
Enter age : 55
Enter salary : 34233.4
Displaying Information.
Name : Kumar
Age : 55
Salary : 34233.4
In the above example, a structure named Employee is declared and used. The values that are entered into the structure are name, age and salary of a Employee are displayed using a function named printData(). The argument for the above function is the structure Employee. The input can be received through a function named readData().

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures

Question 3.
Write a C++ program to add two distances using the following structure definition, struct Distance!
int feet;
float inch;
}d1, d2, sum;
int main()

cout << “Enter 1st distance:” << end1;
cout << “Enter feet:”; cin >> d1.feet;
cout << “Enter inch:”; cin >> d1.inch;
cout << “\n information for 2nd distance:” << end1;
cout << “Enter feet:”; cin >> d2.feet;
cout << “Enter inch:”; cin >> d2.inch;
sum.feet = d1 . feet + d2.feet;
sum.inch = d1.inch + d2.inch;
if (sum.inch > 12)
++ sum.feet;
sum.inch = 12;
cout << end1; “Sum of distance =” << sum.feet << “feet” << sum.inch << “inches”;
return 0;


Enter 1 st distance
Enter feet: 6
Enter inch: 3.4
Enter 2nd distance
Enter feet: 5
Enter inch: 10.2
Sum of distances = 12 feet 1.6 inches

Question 4.
Write a C++ program to declare and accept an array of professors. Display the details of the department= “COMP.SCI” and the name of the professors start with ‘A’. The structure “college” should contain the following members.
prof id as integer
name and Department as character array
Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures 5
Professor 1
Enter id of professor: 100
Enter name of the professor: John
Enter name of the department: CS

Professor 2
Enter id of professor: 101
Enter name of the professor: Janardhan
Enter name of the department: ECE

Professor 3
Enter id of professor: 102
Enter name of the professor: Albert
Enter name of the department: CS

Professor 4
Enter id of professor: 103
Enter name of the professor: Asha
Enter name of the department: CS

Professor 5
Enter id of professor: 104
Enter name of the professor: Han
Enter name of the department: EEE

Name of the professor starting with A
Professor 1
Enter id of professor: 102
Enter name of the professor: Albert
Enter name of the department: CS

Professor 2.
Enter id of professor: 103
Enter name of the professor: Asha
Enter name of the department: CS

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures

Question 5.
Write the output of the following C++ program
using namespace std;
struct books {
char name[20], author[20];
int main()
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Details of Book No. 1
Book name : Programming
Book author : Dromy
Details of Book No. 2
Book Name : C++ Programming
Book Author : Bjame Stroustrup
1 Iprogrammingl Dromy
2| C++ Programming | Bjame Stroustmp

Question 6.
Write the output of the following C++ program
Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures 7
First student
roll no : 1
name : Brown
Phone no. : 123443
Second Student
roll no : 2
name : Sam
Phone no. : 1234567
Third Student
roll no : 3
name : Addy
Phone no. : 1234597844

Question 7.
Debug the error in the following program
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Corrected Program:
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Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Arrays and Structures Additional Questions and Answers

PART – 1
I. Choose the correct answer

Question 1.
The ………….. are used to store data.
a) Variables
b) Literals
c) Constants
d) None of these
a) Variables

Question 2.
The subscript in the bracket can be a variable, a constant, or an expression to ………………..
(a) character
(b) integer
(c) long double
(d) float
(b) integer

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures

Question 3.
A(n) ……………… is also a derived data type in c++.
a) Structures
b) Class
c) Array
d) None of these
c) Array

Question 4.
Syntax of character array declaration is ………………..
(a) int array char name [size];
(b) char array [ ];
(c) char_name[size];
(d) char array – name[size];
(d) char array – name[size];

Question 5.
In an array, the values are stored in a fixed number of elements of the same type …………….. in memory.
a) Sequentially
b) Randomly
c) Either A or B
d) None of these
a) Sequentially

Question 6.
2 – D array memory representation has……………….. types.
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) only 1
(a) 2

Question 7.
There are ………………. types of arrays used in C++.
a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 5
b) 3

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures

Question 8.
Objects declared along with structure definition are called ………………..
(a) structure
(b) nested structure
(c) global objects
(d) memory
(c) global objects

Question 9.
…………….. is the simplest form of an array.
a) One-dimensional array
b) Two-dimensional array
c) Multidimensional array
d) All the above
a) One-dimensional array

Question 10.
An array of the structure is declared in the same way as declaring an array with ………………..
(a) built-in data type
(b) datatype
(c) undefined
(d) none of these
(a) built-in data type

PART – 2
II. Very Short Answers

Question 1.
Define array.
An array is a collection of variables of the same type that are referenced by a common name.

Question 2.
Write a C++ program to check palindrome or not using an array.
Program to check palindrome or not
Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures 10
Enter a string: madam The String is a palindrome

Question 3.
How memory space allocated for an array can be calculated?
The memory space allocated for an array can be calculated using the following formula: Number of bytes allocated for the type of array x Number of elements.

Question 4.
What is the output of the following program?
Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures 11
Enter a string: welcome to C++ programming
You entered char array: welcome to C++ programming

Question 5.
How will you access array elements?
Accessing array elements:
Array elements can be used anywhere in a program as we do in the case of a normal variable. The elements of an array are accessed with the array name followed by the subscript index within the square bracket.
Example: cout<<num[3];
In the above statement, num[3] refers to the 4th element of the array and cout statement displays the value of num[3]

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures

Question 6.
What is the condition of structure assignments?
Structure assignment is possible only if both structure variables/objects are the same types.

Question 7.
Why structures are usually passed by reference method?
Structures are usually passed by reference method because it saves the memory space and executes faster.

Question 8.
What is the size of the following highlighted variable in terms of byte if it is compiled in dev C++?
struct A{ float f[3]; char ch[5];long double d;};
struct B{Aa; int arr[2][3];}b[3]
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Question 9.
Is the following snippet is fully correct? If not identify the error.
struct suml{ int n1,n2;}s1;
struct sum2{int n1,n2}s2;
cin >> s1.n1 >> s1.n2; s2=s1;
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Question 10.
How strings are handled in C++?
In C++, there is no basic data type to represent a string. Instead, it implements a string as a one-dimensional character array.
When declaring a character array, it also has to hold a null character at the end, and so, the size of the character array should be one character longer than the length of the string.

char str[50]=”Computer Science”;

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures

Question 11.
What are the different ways to initialize the structure members?
Values can be assigned to structure elements similar to assigning values to variables.
balu.rollno= “702016”;
balu.age= 18;
balu.weight= 48.5;
Also, values can be assigned directly as similar to assigning values to Arrays.
balu={702016, 18, 48.5};

Question 12.
What is wrong with the following C++ declarations?
A. struct point (double x, y )
B. struct point { double x, double y };
C. struct point { double x; double y }
D. struct point { double x; double y;};
E. struct point { double x; double y;}
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PART – 3
III. Short Answers

Question 1.
What is a one-dimensional array? Give its syntax and an example.
one-dimensional array: This is the simplest form of an array. A one-dimensional array represents values that are stored in a single row or in a single column.

<data type><array_name> [<array_size>];

  • data_type declares the basic type of the array, which is the type of each element in the array.
  • array_name specifies the name with which the array will be referenced.
  • array_size defines how many elements the array will hold. Size should be specified with square brackets [ ].

int num[10];
In the above declaration, an array named “num” is declared with 10 elements (memory space to store 10 different values) as an integer type.

Question 2.
What are row-major orders and column-major orders?
In row-major order, all the elements are stored row by row in continuous memory locations, that is, all the elements in the first row, then in the second row, and so on. The memory representation of row-major order is as shown below;
Row major order:
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Column major order:
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Question 3.
How will you read a line of text as string in C++?
Read a line of text:
In C++, cin.get( ) is used to read a line of text including blank spaces. This function takes two arguments. The first argument is the name of the string and the second argument is the maximum size of the array.

char str[100];
cin,get(str, 100);

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures

Question 4.
Write a C++ program to access array elements using a pointer with sample output.
using namespace std;
int main()

int data [5];
cout << “Enter elements:”;
for(int i = 0; i <5; ++i) cin >> data [i];
cout << “You entered:”;
for (int i = 0; i < 5;++i)
cout << endl << *(data +i);

return 0;
Enter elements:
You entered:

Question 5.
Write a program to assign data to members of a structure variable and display the contents.
C++ Program that assigns data to members of a structure variable and displays the contents
Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures 17
Enter Full name:
Ezhil Enter age:
Enter salary:
Displaying Information.
Name: Ezhil
Age: 27
Salary: 40000.00

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures

Question 6.
Write a program to demonstrate an array of strings.
C++ program to demonstrate array of strings using 2d character array:
using namespace std;
int main( )
// initialize 2d array
char colour [4]; 101- {‘Blue > ‘/ Orange”,”yellow”}; .
// printing strings stored in 2d array 1 for (int i=0; i <4; i++) .
cout << colour [i] << “\n”;

Question 7.
Rewrite the following program after removing the syntactical error(s),if any. Underline each, correction.
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Question 8.
What is the difference between the following two programs?
(a) #include
struct point { double x; double y;};
int main() {
struct point test;
test.x = .25; testy = .75;
cout << test.x << test.y;
return 0;

(b) #include
struct { double x; double y;} Point;
int main(void) {
Point test={.25,.75};
return 0;

(a) Output

  1. 0.250.75
  2. Named structure point is created.


  1. No output: Error
  2. Anonymous structure point is created.

Question 9.
For the following structure definition write the user defined function to accept data through keyboard.
struct date{ int dd,mm,yy};
struct item {int item id;char name[10];float price;date datemanif;}
void accept (item & i)

cout << “\n Enter the Item id”; cin >>;
cout << “\n Enter the item name:”; cin >>;
cout << “\n Enter the item price:”; cin >> i.price;
cout << “\n Enter the item manufacturing day:”; cin >>;
cout << “\n Enter the item manufacturing month:”; cin >>;
cout << “\n Enter the item manufacturing year:”; cin >>;


Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures

Question 10.
Write a C++ program to pass a character array to a function.
using namespace std;
int main( )
char str[100]; .
void display(char s[ ]);
cout<< “Enter a string:
getline(cin, str);
return 0;
void display(char s[ ])
cout<< “You entered char array: ” << s <<endl;
Enter a string: welcome to C++ programming
You entered char array: welcome to C++ programming

PART – 4
IV. Explain in Detail

Question 1.
Write a C++ program to find the transpose of a matrix.
C++ Program to find the transpose of a matrix
Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures 19
Enter rows and columns of matrix:
2 3
Enter elements of matrix
Enter elements of a1 1 = 1
Enter elements of a1 2 = 2
Enter elements of a1 3 = 9
Enter elements of a2 1 = 0
Enter elements of a2 2 = 4
Enter elements of a2 3 = 7
Entered matrix:
1 2 9 0 4 7
Transpose of matrix:
10 2 4 9 7

Question 2.
Write C++ program to sort words in dictionary order.
C++ Program to find the transpose of a matrix
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Enter 10 words:
In lexicographical order:

Question 3.
Explain memory representation of 2 – D array.
Normally, the two – dimensional array can be viewed as a matrix. The conceptual view of a 2 – D array is shown below:
int A[4][3];
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In the above example, the 2-D array name A has 4 rows and 3 columns.
Like one-dimensional, the 2-D array elements are stored in contiguous memory.
There are two types of 2 – D array memory representations. They are:

  1. Row – Major order
  2. Column – Major order

For example
intA[4][3] = {


Row major:
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Column major order
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Question 4.
Let an organization have three employees. If we want to read and print all their details, write a C++program for the following structure definition
struct Employee

char name [50];
int age;
float salary;

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Enter the details of 3 employees:
Enter the details of Employee 1
Enter name:

Enter age:

Enter salary:

Enter the details of Employee 2
Enter name:

Enter age:

Enter salary:

Enter the details of Employee 3
Enter name:

Enter age:

Enter salary:

Displaying Information:
The details of Employee 1
Name: Lilly
Age: 42
Salary: 40000.00

The details of Employee 2
Name: Aster
Age: 38
Salary: 60000.00

The details of Employee 3
Name: Jasmine
Age: 45
Salary: 80000.00

Question 5.
Explain returning structures from functions with an example.
A structure can be passed to a function through its object. Therefore, passing a structure to a function or passing a structure object to a function is the same because the structure object represents the structure. Like a normal variable, a structure variable (structure object) can be passed by value or by references/addresses. Similar to built-in data types, structures also can be returned from a function.
Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures 25
Enter Employee Id: 10
Enter Employee Name: Ajay
Enter Employee Age: 25
Enter Employee Salary: 15000
Employee Id: 10
Employee Name: Ajay
Employee Age: 25
Employee Salary: 15000

Question 6.
Write the output of the following program.
Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Science Solutions Chapter 12 Arrays and Structures 26Output:
Enter the age:
Enter the height:
Enter the weight:
The Date of birth Enter the day:
Enter the month:
Enter the year:
The values entered for Age, height, and weight are
18 160.5 46.5
His date of Birth is:
25 – NOV – 2017