Samacheer Kalvi 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 1 Principles of Management

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Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 1 Principles of Management

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Samacheer Kalvi 12th Commerce Principles of Management Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers

I. Choose the Correct Answer

12th Commerce Chapter 1 Question Answer Question 1.
Management is what a _______ does?
(a) Manager
(b) Subordinate
(c) Supervisor
(d) Superior
(a) Manager

12th Commerce Chapter 1 Question 2.
Management is an _______
(a) Art
(b) Science
(c) Art and Science
(d) Art or Science
(c) Art and Science

12th Commerce 1st Chapter Question 3.
Scientific management is developed by _______
(a) Fayol
(b) Taylor
(c) Mayo
(d) jacob
(b) Taylor

12th Commerce 1st Lesson Question 4.
Dividing the work into small tasks is known as _______
(a) Discipline
(b) Unity
(c) Division of work
(d) Equity
(c) Division of work

12th Commerce Samacheer Kalvi Question 5.
With a wider span, there will be _______ hierarchical levels..
(a) More
(b) Less
(c) Multiple
(d) Additional
(b) Less

II. Very Short Answer Questions

12th Commerce 1st Chapter Question Answer Question 1.
What is Management?
“Management” is a distinct ongoing process of allocating inputs of and organization [Human and Economic resources] by typical managerial functions [Planning, organizing, Directing and Controlling] for the purpose of achieving stated objectives [Output of goods and Services] desired by its customer.

Samacheer Kalvi Guru 12th Commerce Question 2.
List out the management tools.
Tools of management have been developed such as, accounting, business law, psychology, statistics, econometrics, data processing, etc.

12th Commerce Solution Book Question 3.
Who is a manager?
“Manager” is a person who is responsible for Planning, Organising, Directing and Controlling the efforts of others [staff] and the organisation.

12th Commerce Answers Question 4.
State the meaning of Authority.
Authority means the right of a superior to give the order to his subordinates. This is the issue of commands followed responsibility for their consequences.

12th Commerce Book Solution Question 5.
What do you mean by Span of management?

  • Can a superior effectively manage, supervise and control how many subordinates.
  • it is known as “Span of control” or “Span of Management”

III. Short Answer Questions

12th Commerce Answer Pdf Question 1.
Define the term management.
“To manage is to forecast, to plan, to organise, to command, to co-ordinate and to control.” -Henry Fayol. It attempts to describe management in terms of what a manager does, and not what management is.

12th Commerce Oc Chapter 1 Answers Question 2.
Is management an Art or Science?

  • Management is both Art and Science.
  • Management is neither a science nor an Art. But it is a combination of both.
  • It is a science because it contains principles.
  • It is an art, it requires certain personal skills to achieve the desired objective.

12th Commerce Ocm Digest Pdf 2021 Question 3.
Differentiate Management from Administration.

Basis for ComparisonManagementAdministration
MeaningAn organised way of managing people and things of a business organisation is called the management.The process of administrating an organisation by a group of people is known as the administration.
AuthorityMiddle and lower level.Top level
Policy Implementation.Policy formulation.
Area of operationIt works under administration.It has .full control over the activities of the organisation.
Profit making organisations, i.e. business organisations.Government offices, military clubs,business enterprises, hospitals, religious and educational organisations.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Commerce Question 4.
What are the principles of Taylor?
Principles of scientific management propounded by Taylor are:

  1. Science, Not Rule of Thumb
  2. Harmony, Not Discord
  3. Mental Revolution
  4. Cooperation, Not individualism
  5. Development of each and every person to his or her greatest efficiency and prosperity.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Commerce Guide Question 5.
What determines the span of management?
Span of Management has two implications:

  1. Influences the complexities of the individual Manager s job.
  2. Determine the shape or configuration of the Organisation.

It has two horizontal levels of span of management.

  1. Wider span
  2. Narrow span

Wider – Span – Less hierarchical levels – more subordinates – Less expensive.
Narrow – Span – more hierarchical levels – less subordinates – more expensive.

IV. Long Answer Questions

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Commerce Solution Book Question 1.
Write about the contribution of Drucker to management.
“Management is a multipurpose organ that manages a business and manages manager, and manages worker and work.”— Peter F. Drucker: The Practice of Management.
Drucker stresses three jobs of management:

  1. Managing a business;
  2. Managing manager; and
  3. Managing workers and work.

Even if one is omitted, It would not have management anymore and it also would not have a business enterprise or an industrial society. According to P. Drucker, the manager has” to balance and integrate three major jobs of a business enterprise as mentioned above.

Hence, a manager is a dynamic and life-giving element in every business. Without efficient management it cannot be possible to secure the best allocation and utilisation of human, ‘ material and financial resources.

12th Commerce Ocm Textbook Solutions Chapter 1 Question 2.
Explain the management process in detail.
1. Body of Knowledge:
Management lias now developed into a specialized body of management theory and philosophy. Management literature is growing in all countries.

2. Management Tools:
Tools of management have been developed such as accounting, business law, psychology; statistics, econometrics, data processing, etc.

3. Separate Discipline:
Management studies in many universities and institutions of higher learning are recognized as

4. Specialisation:
There is a growing tendency to select and appoint highly qualified, Lraincd, and experienced persons to manage the business in each functional area of management.

5. Code of Conduct:
Enlightened businessmen have recognized that business management is a social institution and it has social responsibilities to be fulfilled towards customers, employees, and the public or

6. Professional Association:
The business Management Associations in many countries promote the spread of knowledge in all management areas and build up the bright public Image of the managerial profession.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Commerce Book Question 3.
Describe the principles of scientific management.
Principles of scientific management propounded by Taylor are:
(i) Science, Not Rule of Thumb: Rule of Thumb means decisions taken by manager as per their personal judgments. According to Taylor, even a small production activity like loading iron sheets into box cars can be scientifically planned. This will help in saving time as well as human energy. Decisions should be based on scientific enquiry with cause and effect relationships.

(ii) Harmony, Not Discord: Taylor emphasized that there should be complete harmony between the workers and the management since if there is any conflict between the two, it will not be beneficial either for the workers or the management. Both the management and the workers should realize the importance of each other.

(iii) Mental Revolution: The technique of Mental Revolution involves a change in the attitude ‘ of workers and management towards each other. Both should realize the importance of each
other and should work with full cooperation. Management as well as the workers should aim to .increase the profits of the organisation.

(iv) Cooperation, Not Individualism: This principle is an extension of principle of ‘Harmony, ‘ . not discord’ and lays stress on mutual cooperation between workers and the management. Cooperation, mutual confidence, sense of goodwill should prevail among both, managers as well as workers. The intention is to replace internal competition with cooperation. Both ‘Management’ and ‘Workers’ should realize the importance of each other.

(v) Development of each and every person to his or her greatest efficiency and prosperity: Efficiency of any organisation also depends on the skills and capabilities of its employees to a great extent. Thus, providing training to the workers was considered essential in order to learn the best method developed through the use of scientific approach.

Question 4.
Explain the principles of modern management.
Division of Work:

  • The whole work divided into small tasks.
  • It is known as Departmentation.
  • The specialization of the workforce according to the skills of a person.
  • Specialization leads to an increase in the efficiency of labour.
  • Thus productivity increased.

Authority and Responsibility:

  • Authority means the right of a superior given to the subordinate to get work from him.
  • Responsibility means an obligation for performance.


  • It is obedience, proper conduct, in relation to others, respect of authority, etc.
  • It is essential for the smooth functioning of all organisations.

Unity of Command:

  • One Employee should have only one Boss.
  • Each employee should receive orders from one superior.
  • If an employee receives orders from more than one superior, it leads to confusion and conflict.

Scalar chain [Line of Authority]:

  • The line of Authority must flow downwards from the Highest Executive to lower-level workers. [Top to Bottom]
  • It is also known as the “Chain of Command”.


  • Workers must be paid sufficiently.
  • It is the chief motivation of employees.
  • It influences greater productivity.
  • Remuneration should be fair, reasonable, and rewarding of effort.

Unity of Direction:

  • All related activities should be put under one group.
  • There should be one plan of action for them.
  • They should be under the control of one Manger.

Question 5.
Discuss the implications of the span of management.
The Span of Management has two implications:

  1. Influences the complexities of the individual manager’s job.
  2. Determine the shape or configuration of the Organization.

The span of management is related to the horizontal levels of the organization structure. There is a wide and a narrow span of management. With the wider span, there will be less hierarchical levels, and thus, the organizational structure would be flatter. Whereas, with the narrow span, the hierarchical levels increases, hence the organizational structure would be tall.

  1. Both these organizational structures have their advantages and the disadvantages. But however the tall organizational structure imposes more challenges.
  2. Since the span is narrow, which means less number of subordinates under one superior, requires more managers to be employed in the organization. Thus, it would be very expensive in terms of the salaries to be paid to each senior.
  3. With more levels in the hierarchy, the communication suffers drastically. It takes a lot of time to reach the appropriate points, and hence the actions get delayed.
  4. Lack of coordination and control because the operating staff is far. away from the top management.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Commerce Principles of Management Additional Questions and Answers

A. Choose the Correct Answer

Question 1.
Characteristics features of management concepts
a) Management tools
b) Separate discipline
c) Specialisation
d) All the above
d) All the above

Question 2.
Drucker stresses _______ jobs of management.
(a) three
(b) two
(c) four
(d) six
(a) three

Question 3.
The authority of middle and lower level is ………………..
a) Administration
b) Management
c) Control
d) Planning
b) Management

Question 4.
Which one is matched correctly?

(b)Policy Implementation(ii)Top-level
(c)Middle and lower level(iii)Policy Formulation
(d)Under administration(iv)Profit-making

(a) Executive – (i) Decisive

Question 5.
Assertion (A): The process of administering an organisation by a group of people is known as the administration.
Reason (R): It has not full control over the activities of the organisation.
(a) Both are true
(b) (A) true but (R) is not correct
(c) Both are not true
(d) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct
(b) (A) true but (R) is not correct

Question 6.
Management is a science or Art?
a) An art
b) A science
c) Both Science and Art
d) Both are not Science or Art
c) Both Science and Art

B. Fill in the blanks

Question 1.
Management is _______ and it is an art of getting things done with and through others.

Question 2.
The Span of Management is related to the _______ levels of organisation structure

II. Very Short Answer Questions

Question 1.
What are the twin purposes of the management process?

  1. Maximum productivity or profitability and
  2. Maximum human welfare and satisfaction

Question 2.
What is Professional Association?
The Business Management Associations in many countries to promote the spread of knowledge in all management areas and to build up the bright public image of managerial profession.

Question 3.
What is division of work?
According to this principle, the whole work is divided into small tasks. The specialization of the workforce according to the skills of a person, creating specific personal and professional development within the labour force and therefore increasing productivity.

Question 4.
What is unity of command?
This principle states that-each subordinate should receive orders and be accountable to one and only one superior. If an employee receives orders from more than one superior, it is likely to create confusion and conflict.

Question 5.
What are the twin purposes of the management process?

  1. Maximum productivity or profitability and
  2. Maximum human welfare and satisfaction

Question 6.
Write a note on Team Spirit.
Team Spirit refers to the need of managers to ensure and develop morale in the workplace. Team spirit helps to finish the task on time.

Question 7.
What is Mental Revolution?
The technique of Mental Revolution involves a change in the attitude of workers and management towards each other. Both should realize the importance of each other and should work with full cooperation.

III. Short Answer Questions

Question 1.
Write any subsidiary functions of management.
(i) Innovation: Innovation refers to the preparation of personnel and organisation to face the changes made in the business world. Continuous changes are being made in the business. Consumers are satisfied through innovation.

(ii) Representation: A manager has to act as a representative of a company. The manager has dealings with customers, suppliers, government officials, banks, financial institutions, trade unions, and the like. It is the duty of every manager to have good relations with others.

Question 2.
Explain the principal ideas of the school of management.
Functional School: Process of planning, organizing, Directing, and Controlling.
Behavioural School: Process through personnel or Human Resource.
Quantitative School: To improve decision making.
Systems Approach : Inputs – Process – Outputs.
Contingency Approach: Process in an ever-changing business environment.

IV. Long Answer Questions

Question 1.
What are the differences between Management and Administration?

Basis for ComparisonManagementAdministration
MeaningAn organized way of managing the people and things of a business organization is called management.The process of administrating an organization by a group of people is known as the administration.
AuthorityMiddle and lower level.Top-level
Concerned withPolicy Implementation.Policy formulation.
Area of operationIt works under administration.It has full control over the activities of the organization.
Applicable forProfit-making organizations, i.e., business organizations.Government offices, military clubs, business enterprises, hospitals, religious and educational organizations.
DecidesWho will do the work? And How will it be done?What should be done?
And When it should be done?“
WorkPutting plans and policies into action.Formulation of plans, framing policies, and setting objectives.
Focus onManaging workMaking the best possible allocation of limited resources.
Key personManagerAdministrator

For own thinking

Question 1.
Imagine yourself to be a manager and chart down the functions to be performed.
If I am a manager of a company, I need to perform the following functions:

  1. Planning – mapping out exactly how to achieve a particular goal; creating a structure for daily tasks.
  2. Organizing – arranging the narrow goals from their broadest to most intricate form; assigning work as well as the required material to the team.
  3. Staffing – beefing up the team by recruiting, selecting, training, and developing employees.
  4. Leading – motivating, communicating, guiding, encouraging as well as assisting the team members.
  5. Controlling: Continuously checking results against goals and taking any corrective actions necessary to ensure the success of the plan.

Question 2.
What are the characteristics (Features) of Management? (Concepts)
Body of knowledge: Management knowledge is the best passport to enter the world of employment either in the business world or Government or private.
Management Tools:

  • Business Laws
  • Accounting
  • Statistics
  • Economics
  • Data Processing

Separate Discipline: Special courses are becoming popular.
Management courses.

  • Financial
  • Marketing
  • Export

There is a growing tendency to select and appoint highly qualified, trained, and experienced persons to manage the business.

Code of Conduct:

  • Social responsibilities to be fulfilled towards customers, employees, the public, or the community.
  • Corporations now have social conscience and awareness.