Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science History Solutions Term 2 Chapter 1 Vijayanagar and Bahmani Kingdoms

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Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science History Solutions Term 2 Chapter 1 Vijayanagar and Bahmani Kingdoms Questions and Answers

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Vijayanagar and Bahmani Kingdoms Textual Evaluation

I. Choose the correct answer:

Vijayanagar And Bahmani Kingdom Question And Answer Question 1.
Who was the greatest ruler of Sangama Dynasty? .
(a) Bukka
(b) Devaraya II
(c) Harihara II
(d) Krishna’Devaraya
(b) Devaraya II

Vijayanagar And Bahmani Kingdom Question And Answer Pdf Question 2.
Which was the most common animal depicted on the pillars of Vijayanagara style?
(a) Elephant
(b) Horse
(c) Cow
(d) Deer
(b) Horse

Vijayanagar And Bahmani Kingdoms Question And Answer Question 3.
Who was the last ruler of the Sangama Dynasty?
(a) Rama Raya
(b) Tirumaladeva Raya
(c) Devaraya II
(d) Virupaksha Raya II
(d) Virupaksha Raya II

Vijayanagar And Bahmani Kingdom Question And Answer Pdf Question 4.
Who ended the Sultanate in Madurai?
(a) SaluvaNarasimha
(b) Devarayall
(c) Kumara Kampana
(d) Tirumaladeva Raya
(c) Kumara Kampana

Vijayanagar And Bahmani Kingdom Question 5.
Name the Bahmani King who was a linguist and a poet.
(a) Ala-ud-din Hasan Shah
(b) Muhammad I
(c) Sultan Firoz
(d) Mujahid
(c) Sultan Firoz

II. Fill in the Blanks

  1. ___________ was the capital of Aravidu dynasty.
  2. Vijayanagar emperors issued a large number of gold coins called ___________
  3. Mahmud Gawan used ___________chemists to teach the preparation and use of gunpowder.
  4. In Vijayanagara administration ___________ looked after the affairs of villages.


  1. Penukonda
  2. Varahas
  3. Persian
  4. Gaudal

III. Match the Following

Question 1.

  1. Vijayanagara – Ruler of Odisha
  2. Prataparudra – Astadiggajas
  3. Krishna Devaraya – Pandurangamahatyam
  4. Abdur Razzaq – City of victory
  5. Tenali Ramakrishna – Persian emissary


  1. Vijayanagara – City of victory
  2. Prataparudra – Ruler of Odisha
  3. Krishna Devaraya – Astadiggajas
  4. Abdur Razzaq – Persian emissary
  5. Tenali Ramakrishna – Pandurangamahatyam


Question 1.
Assertion (A): The Vijayanagar army was considered one of the feared armies in India.
Reason (R): Vijayanagar armies used both firearm and cavalry.
(a) R is not the correct explanation of A
(b) R is correct explanation of A
(c) A is correct and R is wrong
(d) (A) and (R) are Correct
(b) R is correct explanation of A

Question 2.
Find’out the wrong pair
(a) Silk – China
(b) Spices – Arabia
(c) Precious stone – Burma
(d) Madurai Vijayam – Gangadevi
(b) Spices – Arabia

Question 3.
Find the odd one out
Harihara II, Muhammad I, Krishnadeva Raya, Devaraya I
Muhammad I

Question 4.
Consider the following statements and find out which is/are correct
I. Turquoise throne is one of the bejewelled royal seats of Persian kings described in Firdausi’s Shah Nama.
II. The fertile regions between the rivers Krishna and Tungabhadra and Krishna-Godavari delta were the zones of conflict among the rulers of Vijayanagar, and Bahmani.
III. Muhammad I was educated at Multan.
IV. Mahmud Gawan served with great distinction as the Prime Minister under Muhammad III.
(a) I, II, are correct
(b) I, II, III are correct
(c) II, III, IV are correct
(d) III, IV, are correct
(e) I, II & IV are correct
(e) I, II & IV are correct

V. True or False

  1. Harihara and Bukka were the founder of Bahmani kingdom.
  2. Krishnadeva Raya, who reigned for 20 years, was the most illustrious rulers of Sangama dynasty.
  3. Alasani Peddana was the greatest of all Astadiggajas.
  4. Kingship of Vijayanagar administration was hereditary, based on the principle of primo geniture.
  5. There were 18 monarchs of the Bahmani dynasty.


  1. False
  2. False
  3. True
  4. True
  5. True

VI. Answer in one or two sentences

Question 1.
The four dynasties of Vijayanagara kingdom with reference to prominent rulers of each dynasty.
Four dynasties, namely

  1. Sangama (1336-1485)
  2. Saluva (1485-1505)
  3. Tuluva (1505-1570)
  4. Aravidu (1570-1646) ruled this kingdom.

Question 2.
Battle of Talikota.
The sultans of Deccan kingdoms formed a league to fight the Vijayanagar Empire. The combined forces of the enemies met at Sadasiva Raya Talikota in 1565. In the ensuing battle, known as Rakasa Tangadi (Battle of Talikota), Vijayanagar was defeated.

Question 3.
The structure of governance in Vijayanagar kingdom.

  1. The empire was divided into different mandalams (provinces), nadus (districts), sthalas (taluks) and finally into gramas (villages).
  2. Each province was administered by a governor called Mandalesvara.
  3. The lowest unit was the village. Each village had a grama sabha. Gauda, village headman, looked after the affairs of the village.
  4. The army consisted of the infantry, cavalry and elephant corps.

Question 4.
five independent kingdoms of Deccan Sultanate.
Bidar, Bijapur, Ahmednagar, Berar and Golconda.

Question 5.
The educational reforms of Ala-ud-din Hasan Shah
Alaud-din Hasan Shah on his accession, took special care in founding a school to educate his sons and opened institutions for the purpose of educating the children of noble families in the art of soldiery.

VII. Answer in detail

Question 1.
Discuss the career and achievements of Krishna Devaraya.
(i) Krishnadevaraya who reigned for 20 years was the most illustrious rulers of the Tuluva dynasty.

(ii) He brought under control the independent chieftains in the Tungabhadra river basin.

(iii) The Bahmani sultan, Mahmud Shah, had been overthrown and kept in imprisonment by his minister. Krishnadevaraya freed the sultan and restored him to the throne. Prataparudra negotiated for peace and offered to marry off his daughter to him.

(iv) Accepting the offer, Krishnadevaraya returned the territory he had conquered from Prataparudra.

(v) Krishnadevaraya, with the assistance of the Portuguese gunners, could easily defeat the Sultan of Golconda and subsequently take over Raichur from the ruler of Bijapur.

A Great Builder:

(i) Krishnadevaraya built huge irrigation tanks and reservoirs for harvesting rainwater.

(ii) He built the famous temples of.Krishnaswamy, Hazara Ramaswamy and Vithalaswamy in the capital city of Hampi.

(iii) He distributed the wealth he gained in wars to all major temples of South India for the purpose of constructing temple gateways (gopura), called ‘Rayagopuram,’ in his honour.

(iv) He had good friendly relationship with the Portuguese and Arabian traders, which increased the Empire’s income through customs.

Patron of Literature, Art and Architecture:
Krishnadevaraya patronised art and literature. Eight eminent luminaries in literature known as astadiggajas adorned his court.


Question 1.
Discuss the causes for the decline of Vijayanagar rule. To what extent the Bahmani sultans contributed to it?
The main causes of the decline of the Vijayanagar empire were
(i) The military ambitions of the Vijayanagar rulers and Deccan sultan resulted in shifting alignment.

(ii) In the battle of Talikota, the Vijayanagar empire was completely defeated. Both the Vijaya nagar and Bahamani kingdoms claimed Raichur doab lying between Krishna and Tungabadhra because of its fertile rich land. Both wanted to conquer Golconda because of its gold mines. Both the powers descried to extend their. Kingdom and had religious jealousy. Each considered the other as a danger to its existence.

IX. Map

Question 1.
Highlight the boundaries of Vijayanagar Empire and Bahmani kingdom.
Vijayanagar And Bahmani Kingdoms Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science History Solutions

X. Answer Grid

Question 1.
Name the kingdom ruled by 18 monarchs which lasted for nearly 180 years.

Question 2.
Name the Bahmani Sultan who was restored to the throne by Krishna Devaraya
Mahmud Shah

Question 3.
Name the book written by Krishnadevaraya in Sanskrit.
Jambavati Kalyanam

Question 4.
Where did Hasan Bahman Shah shift his capital.

XI. Student Activity

Question 1.
Collect information about temples in Tamil Nadu with the influence of Vijayanagara style of art and architecture. Also read the stories of Tenali Ramakrishna in the classroom.
Temple architecture received a new impetus and reached to new heights under the patronage of the Vijayanagar rulers. About the architecture of the period. Prof. S.K. Saraswati has observed, “The most frequent design is one in which the shaft becomes either a central core or background for a group of statuary, of substantial proportion and carved practically on the ground. Important features of Vijayanagar style of temple and architecture were: monolithic pillars, ornate brackets, decoration on exterior side of the walls, etc.
Vijayanagar And Bahmani Kingdom Question And Answer Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science History Solutions
A large number of temples were built during this period. Krishnadevaraya built a temple dedicated to Lord Krishna. He renovated several temples. The most important was the temple of Hazara Rama. The royal family worshipped there. Its most interesting features were the four finely polished black stone pillars which support the ‘Mandapa’.

They have beautiful sculptures carved on them. The deities on the pillars represent Vishnu, Lakshminarayana, Krishna, Brahma and others. Scenes from the lipics are depicted on the outer walls of the shrine.

A number of temples were built during the medieval period in the South cities of Vellore, Kumbhakonam, Kalahsti. Srirangam, Conjeevam and Virinchipuram were dotted with magnificent temples.

The temples of Vithala and Pattabhirama also deserve mention. The most important features of the temple of Vithala are the ‘Mahamandappa’ and the ‘garbhagriha’. The Mahamandappa has 56 pillars. The ceilings above these pillars are highly ornamented. Likewise ‘garbhagriha’ is highly ornate:

A ‘rath’ in stone with finely carved wheels adds beauty to Vitthalaswami temple.

‘Gopurams’ – the entrances to the courts of the temples are a unique feature of the south Indian temples, particularly built during the medieval period. These colossal gateways which lend glamour and prestige to the temples were covered by lofty pyramidal tower rising up in storeys and ultimately crowned by a lofty vault. The ‘gopuram’ in the temple of Ekambaranath having ten storeys rising to the height of 188 feet is the most remarkable one.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Vijayanagar and Bahmani Kingdoms Additional Questions

I. Choose the correct

Question 1.
The _______ kingdom spread all over the Maharashtra region and partly over karnataka.
(a) Bahmani
(b) Chola
(c) Chera
(d) Vijayanagar
(a) Bahmani

Question 2.
Harihara and Bukka belonged to the _______ dynasty.
(a) Saluva
(b) Sangama
(c) Aravidu
(d) Tuglaq
(b) Sangama

Question 3.
After _______, the Vijayanagar empire went through a crisis.
(a) Harihara II
(b) Virupaksha Raja II
(c) Devaraya II
(d) Gajapathi
(c) Devaraya II

Question 4.
_______ was the Gajapathi ruler of Odisha.
(a) Saluva Narasimha
(b) Bukka
(c) Naras Nayaka
(d) Prataparudra
(d) Prataparudra

Question 5.
_______ was the minor who ascended the throne of Vijayanagar.
(a) Achtyuda Raya
(b) Sadasiva Raya
(c) Venkata I
(d) Rama Raya
(b) Sadasiva Raya

Question 6.
The site of the city of Vijayanagar on the bank of the river _______.
(a) Krishna
(b) Narmada
(c) Godavari
(d) Tungabhadra
(d) Tungabhadra

Question 7.
_______ of the Aravidu dynasty moved to Chandragiri carrying all the treasures and wealth.
(a) Rama Raya
(b) Sadasiva Raya
(c) Tirumaladeva Raya
(d) Achtyda Deva Raya
(c) Tirumaladeva Raya

Question 8.
Vijayanagar’s agricultural production was supplemented by humerous _______ industries.
(a) cottage-scale
(b) large-scale
(c) medium-scale
(d) small-scale
(a) cottage-scale

Question 9.
_______ succeeded Bahman shah.
(a) Ala-ud-din Hasan
(b) Muhammad bin Tughluq
(c) Muhammad Shah I
(d) Mujahid
(c) Muhammad Shah I

Question 10.
_______ was the noteworthy ruler of the Bahmini kingdom who ruled for 19 years.
(a) Muhammad III
(b) Muhammad II
(c) Maljahid
(d) Muhammad shah
(a) Muhammad III

II. Fill in the blanks:

  1. In 1565, the battle of _________, finally the Deccan kingdoms could crush the Vijayanagar empire.
  2. _________, was the head of the Saivitc Sringeri mutt.
  3. _________ was the able commander of the Vijayanagar army.
  4. Battle of Talikota was also known as _________.
  5. Hampi is in ruins and the _________ has declared it a heritage stat
  6. In Vijayanagar administration, each province was administrated by a governor called _________.
  7. Krishna deva Raya wrote _________ an epic in Telugu
  8. _________ was the daughter of Periazhvar.
  9. Ala-ud-din Hasan was also known as _________.
  10. _________ is a semi-precious stone sky blue in colour.
  11. Muhammad shah built two mosques at _________.
  12. In his war against the Vijayanagar kings in _________, Gawan used gunpowder.
  13. The _________ nobles grew jealous of Gawan’s success and considered him as an obstacle to their rise.
  14. _________, son of Alaud-din-Hasan Shah was a patron of learning.
  15. Mahmud Gawan’s world famous madrasa was in _________.


  1. Talikota
  2. Vidyaranya
  3. Saluva Naraslmha
  4. Rakasa Tangadi
  6. Mandalesvara
  7. Amuktamalyada
  8. Goda devi (Andal)
  9. Hasan Gangu
  10. Turquoisel
  11. Gulbarga
  12. Belgaum
  13. Deccan
  14. Muhammad I
  15. Bidar

III. Match the following
Vijayanagar And Bahmani Kingdom Question And Answer Pdf Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science History Solutions Term 2 Chapter 1 Vijayanagar and Bahmani Kingdoms 3

  1. – e
  2. – c
  3. – b
  4. – a
  5. – d


Question 1.
Assertion (A): The already existing rivalry among nobles such as Deccanis and Pradesis further intensified.
Reason (R): Mahmud Gawan curtailed the powers of the Provincial chief who were mostly Deccanis,
(a) R is not the correct explanation of A
(b) A is correct and R is wrong
(c) R is correct explanation of A
(d) A and R are Correct
(c) R is correct explanation of A

Question 2.
Find out the wrong pair
(a) Firdausi – Shah Nama
(b) Bala Hissar – Golconda Fort
(c) Daud – Uncle of Muhammad
(d) Zabar khan – Mahmud Gawan
(d) Zabar khan – Mahmud Gawan

Question 3.
Find the odd one out
Mandalams, Peshwa, Sthalas, Gramas.

Question 4.
Consider the following statements and find out which is/are correct
I. The repressive measures of Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq led to the rise of many independent states.
II. Vijayanagara was called Vidyanagara initially.
III. Saluva Narasimha replaced the Saluva dynasty with Aravidu dynasty.
IV. Muhammad Shah I’s attack on Warangal earned him a large property and wealth,
(a) I, II and III are correct
(b) II and IV ai#€orrect
(c) I, II and IV are correct
(d) II, III and IV are correct
(c) I, II and IV are correct

V. True or False

  1. Muhammad II’s reign was peaceful.
  2. Mahmud Gawan was well versed in Islamic theory.
  3. The contribution of Bahmani kings to architecture is evident in Hampi.
  4. The Golconda fort is located in eastern Karnataka.
  5. Shihab-ud-din Mahmud reigned as the sultan until his death.


  1. True
  2. True
  3. False
  4. False
  5. True

VI. Answer In one or two sentences

Question 1.
Name the Five sultanates into which the Bahmani kingdom split in the sixteenth century.
Bijapur, Ahmednagar, Golconda, Bidar and Berar.

Question 2.
What led to the final collapse or the empire about 1646.
Internal dissensions and the intrigues of the sultans of Bijapur and Golconda, however, led to the final collapse of the empire about 1646.

Question 3.
Write a short note on the economic condition of Vijayanagar kingdom.

  1. The Vijayanagar Empire was one of the richest states then known to the world.
  2. Several foreign travellers, who visited the empire left behind glowing accounts of its splendour and wealth.
  3. The emperors issued a large number of gold coins called Varahas.

Question 4.
Give an account of the irrigation polices of Vijayanagar empire.
Ahuge tank was built with the help of Portuguese masons. Channels were constructed to supply water from the tank to different parts of the city. The city was well stocked with a variety of agricultural goods.

Question 5.
Name the cottage scale industries of the Vijayanagar kingdom.
Textile, Mining and Metallurgy.

Question 6.
Describe the growth of trade in the Vijayanagar empire.
(i) During the Vijayanagar Empire, inland, coastal and overseas trade flourished in goods such as silks from China, spices from the Malabar region and precious stones from Burma (Myanmar).
(ii) Vijayanagar traded with Persia, South Africa, Portugal, Arabia, China, Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka.

Question 7.
What led to frequent wars during Ala-ud-din Hasan’s rule?
Ala-ud-din Hasan’s attempt to exact an annual tribute from the state of Warangal, the Reddi kingdoms of Rajahmundry and Kondavidu, led to frequent wars.

Question 8.
Write a short note on the Golconda Fort.
The Golconda Fort is located about 11 kilometres from Hyderabad on a hill 120 meters height. The fort is popular for its acoustic architecture. The highest point of the fort is Bala Hissar. It is believed that there is a secret underground tunnel, which leads from the Turbar Hall to one of the palaces at the foot of the hills.

Question 9.
Why did Mahmud Gawan divide the Bahmani sultanate into eight provinces.
Gawan divided the existing four provinces of the Bahmani Sultanate into eight provinces so as to limit the area under the rule of each governor and to make the provincial administration more manageable.

Question 10.
Name the places in which schools were founded by the successors of Sultan Firoz.
Gulbarga, Bidar, Daulatabad and Kandahar

Question 11.
Mention the salient features of Mahamed Gawan’s madrasa in Bidar.
Mahmud Gawan’s world famous madrasa in Bidar, with a large library, containing a collection of3000 manuscripts, is illustrative of the importance given to scholarship and education by Gawan.

VII. Answer in Detail :

Question 1.
Describe the contribution of Vijayanagar rulers to Architecture.
(i) The temple building activity of the Vijayanagar rulers produced a new style called the Vijayanagara style.

(ii) Prominence of pillars and piers, in large numbers, and the manner in which they were sculptured are hallmarks of the Vijayanagara style.

(iii) Horse was the most common animal to be depicted on the pillars. The structures have a mandapam (open pavilion) with a raised platform, generally meant for seating the deity on special occasions.

(iv) These temples also have a marriage hall with elaborately carved pillars.

Question 2.
Give an account of the eight ministers of the Bahmani state.

1.Vakil-us-saltana or lieutenantImmediate subordinate authority of the sovereign.
2.PeshwaAssociated with the lieutenant of the kingdom.
3.Waziri-kullSupervised the work of all other ministers.
4.Amir-i-jumlaMinister of finance.
5.NazirAssistant minister for finance.
6.Wasir-i-ashrafMinister of foreign affairs.
7.KotwalChief of police and city magistrate in the capital.
8.Sadr-i-jahanChief justice and minister of religious affairs and endowments.


Question 1.
Arrange the names of the following rulers in the chronological order.
(1) Mujahid
(2) Muhammad Shah I
(3) Shinab-ud-din Mahmud
(4) Muhammad III
(2) Muhammad Shah I
(1) Mujahid
(4) Muhammad III
(3) Shinab-ud-din Mahmud