Your Space Book Back Answers 7th Standard Term 1 English Chapter 3 Samacheer Kalvi

7th Standard English Guide Term 1 Unit 3 Poem Your Space Book Back Answers

Students can Download English Poem 3 Your Space Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, Activity, Samacheer Kalvi 7th English Book Solutions Guide Pdf helps you to revise the complete Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Your Space 7th Standard English 3rd Lesson Question and Answer

Read And Understand

A. Answer the following questions in a sentence or two.

your space poem Question 1.
Why should we speak gently?
We should speak gently because soft and kind words leave a deep and lasting impression. We can win people’s hearts by love and God too likes it and rewards us for eternity.

your space poem questions and answers Question 2.
What do you infer about speaking with others from this poem?
From this poem we understand that at all levels there is problems and sadness to everyone but with kind and gentle words they can be overcome.

Your Space Poem 7th Standard Question 3.
What are the disadvantages of speaking harshly?
Speaking harshly to people will deprive us of all the good we do here. It is far better to rule by love than fear. Harsh speakers will have more enemies than friends.

Speak Gently Question Answer Class 7 Question 4.
Why does the poet tell us to speak gently to young children?
When we speak gently to young children they too will learn to speak gently. Childhood period does not remain long, so we should teach children softly and mildly. We can get their love and trust only with kind words.

7th English Poem Your Space Question 5.
How should you speak with old people?
We should use kind, gentle, loving and caring words with the old people because their days are numbered. Harsh words will make them sad but gentle words will keep them happy and they will die in peace.

B. Read the poem and fill in the blanks with the correct option.


  1. It is better far to rule by ______ , then _____.
  2. Teach it in accents ______ and ______
  3. Let no tone be ______ and _____
  4. They may have ______ in ______
  5. The _____, the _____,Which it may bring
  6. The _____ of _____ are nearly run


  1. love; fear
  2. soft; mild
  3. harsh; heard
  4. toiled; vain.
  5. good; joy
  6. sands; life

C. Pick out the words which rhyme with the given words and write similar rhyming words on your own.

Your Space Poem Samacheer Kalvi

D. Take a stanza from the poem. Write it in the blanks and find the rhyme scheme.

Lines from the poemRhyme scheme (a/b/c/d)
Speak gently to the aged onea
Grieve not the care-worn heart;b
The sands of life are nearly runa
Let such in peace depart!b

Your space Additional Questions

I. Read these lines and answer the questions given below.

Samacheer Kalvi Guru 7th English Question 1.
Speak gently! -Love doth whisper low
The vows that true hearts bind;
And gently Friendship’s accents flow
Affections voice is kind.

(a) How does love speak?
Love speaks as a low whisper.

(b) What does vows of love do?
Vows of love binds true hearts.

Samacheerkalvi.Guru 7th English Question 3.
What flows gently?

Samacheer Kalvi.Guru 7th English Question 4.
How is the voice of affection?

Samacheer Kalvi Guru 7th English Guide Question 2.
Speak gently! – ’tis a little thing
Dropped in the hearts deep well;
The good, the joy, which it may bring,
Eternity shall tell.

Samacheer Kalvi Guru 7th Standard English Question 1.
What is a‘little thing?
Speaking gently is a little thing.

7th English Poem Question 2.
Where should we drop the gentle words?
We drop them deep in the hearts.

Samacheer Kalvi Guru English 7th Standard Question 3.
What does gentle words in our deep hearts bring?
The gentle words bring goodness and joy to our hearts.

Question 4.
Till when will the goodness and joy last?
Goodness and joy would last forever till eternity.

II. Short Questions and Answers.

Question 1.
Why do the youth require gentle words?
The foundation for living a good life is made during the youth days. Youth have to build a family, career, earn for the future. Hence during this period of hard work, stress and anxieties, we should speak gentle motivating words so that they may pass through this phase of life in the best way.

Question 2.
“They have enough they must endure”. Who are ‘they’? What do they endure?
‘They’ refers to the poor people. They have a lot to endure like want of money, ill health, lack of food, big family, illiteracy, oppression by the rich, etc.

Question 3.
Why do people err according to the poet? How do gentle words help them?
According to the poet people err when man treat them harsh and unkindly. When we love them and treat them gently and kindly, it will heal their soul and we can win them back.

III. Paragraph Questions with Answers.

Question 1.
Poet David Bates mentions about speaking gently to six categories of people. Who are they? Why should we speak gently to them?
The six categories of people to whom we should speak gently are children, youngsters, aged, poor, the erring and to God.

1. Childhood days move fast so the gentle and kind words we speak and teach them will make them to love and trust us and also train them to speak so.

2. The youth pass through a period of stress, anxiety and carry burdens. To make them cross this phase happily and successfully, we must talk to them understandingly, gentle and patiently.

3. The old people are tired, weak and worried. They have only a brief time left to live, so help them live happily and peacefully. We must talk to them softly, caring and kind words.

4. The poor are already burdened and undergone sufferings, so we must not use rough, unkind words but only gentle kind words.

5. Speaking gently to the erring people will make them realize their mistakes and to reconcile, repent and come back.

6. Finally we should speak gently and with reverence to God who controls the fierce elements of the earth. God gave his life to give us peace, happiness and to forgive our sins.

Question 2.
What does the poet tell about gentle words and love in our hearts in stanza 1,2 and 9?
Gentle words help to rule over people by love and not fear. This love exists long. Promises given in a low soft voice with love, help tie hearts together. Gentle words make friendship root deeper and kind words establish affection. Soft words are not difficult to speak. If gentle words are planted deeply in hearts , it will bring goodness and joy forever.

Question 3.
Compare the effect of gentle and harsh words in life.

Speaking Gently

  1. Gentle words rule our hearts by love.
  2. Soft loving promises, whispered lowly, bind the hearts.
  3. Gentle words bring friendship and affection.
  4. Gentle words help children to love and trust us. It trains them to speak gently.
  5. Speaking gently to youngsters relieves their stress and anxiety and makes them happy.
  6. By speaking gently , the worn out old people will be happy and peaceful the rest of their life.
  7. Kind caring words, to the burden enduring poor people, make their life happy.
  8. Speaking gently to the erring people makes them repent and reconcile
  9. Speaking gently and with reverence to God helps us get his favour.
  10. Gentle words go deep in our hearts and bring goodness and joy forever.

Speaking Harshly

  1. Harsh words bring fear and remove all good deeds.
  2. Harsh words do not bring hearts closer.
  3. Unkind words bring hatred and enmity.
  4. Children who hear harsh words do not love and they too speak harshly later.
  5. Unkind words to youngsters increase anxiety and burdens. They cannot be successful.
  6. Harsh words on old people make them sad and unhappy. It reduces their life time.
  7. Rude and unkind words make life horrible for the poor.
  8. Harsh words on erring people make them worser and they would never come back.
  9. Harsh words put God on the cross again
  10. Harsh words, planted in the hearts, bring unhappiness forever

Warm Up

Look at the pictures given below. Fill in the blanks according to the clues given.

Your Space Poem Questions And Answers Samacheer Kalvi

Your Space Summary

The poet David Bates says that we should speak gently as it is easy to control people by love rather than by fear. The good deeds we do are spoilt by the rough words we speak.

When promises of love are expressed in a low voice, it ties the truly loving hearts. Friendship grows deeper through the kind words that flow. The language of affection is kindness. We must speak gently to gain the love of little children. Childhood period does not extend for a long time, hence we must speak caring, soft and mild words that they may remember always.

The youth and adolescents need gentle words as they already have burdens, worry and anxieties to undergo. We must help the youth pass their springtime in life in the best way happily and successfully by handling them with care, patiently and gently.

Next the poet asks us to speak gently to the seiner citizens. Our words and actions must not make their tired and worn out hearts more sorrowful. They have almost lived their life-time, so we must help them live the little time left, happily and peacefully.

The poor people must not hear rough and unkind words, says the poet. They already undergo hardships due to lack of money, food, health, oppression, etc.

We must use kind words to the criminals, prisoners and those who have committed mistakes in their lives to win them back and make them good. They could have become bad due to the unkindness shown towards them.

Finally the poet speaks about God. When God travelled on a fierce stormy sea, he commanded it to be calm and still and controlled the elements of nature. The same God gave his life on the cross to mend man’s sinful stubborn mind. So we should speak to him gently in prayer.

To conclude, the poet compares our hearts to a deep well. To conquer hearts we must put kind and gentle words into it. Those words would bring joy and goodness that lasts till the world ends.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th English Book Solutions Term 1