9th Standard English Unit 2 Supplementary The Fun They Had Book Back Answers
You can Download The Fun They Had Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Book Solutions Guide Pdf Supplementary Chapter 2 help you to revise complete Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.
The Fun They Had 9th Standard English 2nd Lesson Question and Answer
The Fun They Had Class 9 The Fun They Had Warm Up:
Here is an imaginary high school class depicted in a French postcard (1901-1910). Discuss what do you think have come true in the present century.
With the advancement in technology, schools will also have to take a change in their style of teaching-learning process. What we see in the picture reminds me of the language laboratory in school, which is used for enhancing English language as a skill. The given picture shows further advanced applications; like, using technology for entire classroom learning for all subjects. The teacher plays the role of either an inspector or an instructor in the classroom. Whether it is really admirable or not, we may have to wait and see.
Now, share your views about the changes that you and your classmates expect in your school and classroom in about 20-50 years.
In about 20-50 years, there won’t be any school. All children will be techno-savvy and learn things at their own pace. Credit system will be followed. Test or exam pressure will not be there because the students shall be taking the exam independently, as and when they like. Sports and games will be through play stations; co-curricular activities would be online. There is a possibility of mind reading – all telepathists would judge and evaluate the students’ knowledge only through mind reading and not through the usual percentage method.
The Fun They Had Textual Questions
The Fun They Had Summary A. Identify the character or speaker of the following lines.
- She was given test after test in geography. ……………………………
- He was a round little man with a red face and a whole box of tools with dials and wires. ……………………
- She had been hoping they would take the teacher away altogether. ……………………….
- They learned the same things, so they could help one another with the homework and talk about it. …………
- They had a special building and all the kids went there. ……………………….
- Margie
- County Inspector
- Margie
- Students of the old school
- Tommy
The Fun They Had Summary In English B. Fill in the blanks with the clue given below to complete the paragraph
Tommy and Margie found something about the (1) ____________ of the past. Tommy found a (2) ____________ which has been printed on paper. The book was old and the pages were (3) ____________ At present, the (4) ____________ were moving on a television screen. The television had over (5) ____________ He had found the old book in the (6) ____________ of his house. While reading Tommy found that it was about the old schools. Margie hated school because she was having problems with learning (7) ____________ The mechanical teacher was black and large with a screen. Margie hated the slot where she had to insert her homework or (8) ____________ Margie did not understand how a (9)____________ could be a teacher and how the students were taught the (10) ____________ Then it was (11) ____________ for Margie and Tommy. Margie went to the schoolroom in her (12) ____________ where the mechanical teacher stood. She was thinking about the old school and how much fun the children had, (13) ____________ time together
- schools
- real book
- yellow and crinkly
- words
- million of books
- attic
- geography
- test papers
- person
- same thing
- time
- house
- learning and spending
The Fun They Had Characters C. Bring out the difference between your school and Margie’s school in the given tabular column. An example is done for you.
The Fun They Had Pics D. Complete the following statements based on your reading.
- The old book was found by ____________ .
- Margie was surprised to see the old book because ____________ .
- The mechanical teacher was giving Margie ____________ .
- Margie had to study always at the same time every day, because her mother said little girls ____________ .
- The geography sector in mechanical teacher was ____________ .
- Tommy
- The words stood still, instead of moving
- test after test in geography
- learned letter, if they learned at regular hours
- geared a little too quickly
Think And Write:
E. On the basis of your reading and using your own ideas, answer the following in about 125 -150 words each.
The Fun They Had Book Back Answers Question 1.
Describe Margie’s mechanical teacher and her classroom in your own words.
Tommy found the book on 17 May 2157. It was a very old book. The pages, were yellow and crinkly, and it was awfully funny to read the words that stood still instead of moving the way they were supposed to, on a screen. The mechanical teacher had been giving her test after test in geography and she had been doing worse and worse until her mother had shaken her head sorrowfully and sent for the county inspector.
9th English The Fun They Had Question 2.
Why did Margie hate her school? What was she thinking about at the end of the story?
The part Margie hated most was the slot where she had to put homework and test papers. The geography sector was geared a little too quickly. She had been hoping that they would take the teacher away altogether. She was thinking about the old schools where the teacher told boys and girls things and gave them homework and asked them questions. The students had a special building and all the kids went there. All the kids learned the same thing.
The Fun They Had Summary In Tamil Question 3.
What was strange about the ‘book’? Why did Margie find it strange?
The pages of the ‘book’ were yellow and crinkly. It was awfully funny to read words that stood still, unlike moving on a screen. When Margie turned back to the previous page, the page had the same words on it, when she read it the first time. All these things were strange for Margie, as she used to read only telebooks through computer screen, without any knowledge of a real book.
Additional Questions
The Fun They Had Questions Answers Question 1.
In spite of all comforts and luxuries in today’s world, our grandparents still cherish their own time when life was quite tough. Give your own views regarding this in 80-100 words.
Our grandparents lived during the years of 1950s to 1970s. At that time life was very simple yet tough. They had time to explore the surroundings and the world. They had parks to play with less pollution around them. Mechanical gadgets were there but were used only for necessary activities. There were rivers where they could go for picnics and treks without the fear of getting any allergy.
The school was more of a fun place where they would meet their friends. They studied but were not competing against each other. For them togetherness was important rather than competition. In today’s world we are competing against our friends. We have all the facilities of life but we do not have time for our family and friends. We like to play but on computers and play stations rather than with our siblings and friends.
The Fun They Had 9th Class Question 2.
Machines can’t replace human beings. Explain with reference to the lesson ‘The Fun They Had’.
A teacher has to not only teach and explain things but also has to understand the mindset of the students. A computer instructor will only be able to deliver the lesson but will not be able to understand the problems of the students. A teacher emotionally connects to the students to make them comfortable but this is not the case with a mechanical teacher.
Teaching can be best done by a person because then only will they be able to pass on the correct values and lessons to the students. Though smart classrooms are introduced, teachers are not replaced by machines. In the morning sessions, usually classes are very active. Teachers do full-fledged teaching. Afternoon sessions include activity-based jobs. Only teachers can have such kind of understanding of children’s psychology. Affirmatively we can say teachers can’t be replaced.
The Fun They Had by Isaac Asimov About The Author:
Isaac Asimov (1920 – 1992) was an American writer, known for his work of science fiction and ‘popular science’. He was a professor of Biochemistry at Boston University. Along with Robert A. Heinlein and Arthur C. Clarke, Asimov was considered one of the “Big Three” science fiction writers during his lifetime. He edited more than 500 books and approximately 90,000 letters and postcards. Asimov’s most famous work is the “Foundation” series. He also wrote mysteries and fantasy, as much as nonfiction.
The Fun They Had Summary:
Isaac Asimov was known for his work of science fiction. ‘The Fun they had’ is an ideal example of his fictitious stories. On 17th May 2157, Tommy, a thirteen-year-old boy finds a ‘real book’ in the attic of his house. His friend Margie, an eleven-year-old girl mentions this incident in her diary.
Surprised and astonished to see a ‘real book’, they both take a look at it together. The book has been printed on paper. It is really old and its pages are yellow and cranky. In the year 2157, this kind of books doesn’t exist anymore. In this time, words are moving on a television screen. This television contains over a million books. That is the reason why Tommy thinks that they are much better.
While reading the old book, Tommy says that it is about school! But not about their type of school; it is about school centuries ago. Margie hates school and cannot understand why someone would write about it. She is having problem with learning geography from her ‘mechanical teacher’, which is black, large and has a screen on it. It teaches the students, gives them exercises and asks them questions, all in a special room in their own house. It can also calculate the marks in no time.
Margie hates papers. Once, the geography sector of her mechanical teacher was geared too quickly, so that her marks got worse and worse. The country inspector had to rebuild it and it took him about an hour to set things right.
Tommy and Margie find out that students back then had a human as a teacher who taught the girls and boys, gave them homework and asked them questions. School was a special kind of building where the children went to. The children of same age gathered in a class and were taught by a teacher.
At first, Margie does not understand how a person could be a teacher and how all the students were taught the same thing, because her mother says that education must fit each child’s mind. But nevertheless, in her opinion, these schools are funny and she wants to read more about it.
Then it is time for Margie and Tommy for their school. Margie goes to the schoolroom in her house where the mechanical teacher stands. It is already on because the lessons are always at regular hours. Margie keeps thinking about the old school system and how much fun the children must have had back then, learning and spending time together.
The Fun They Had Glossary:
Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Book Solutions Supplementary